What is GHR ? The incorporation of GiftHorse Resources (GHR) came about as a direct offshoot to the research activities of True Metallic Explorations Incorporated (TME). GHR was formed to provide a corporate platform to engage in subsurface geological analysis, which was gathered to test structural geological and thermo-hydrodynamics variables that were implied to exist as a corollary of TME data interpretations. Information obtained as a result of the scientific research activities of GHR and TME are being shared and used by both companies in the joint development of the overall Time & Structural Domain of the Basin’s geology.
This property is located in the northeastern quadrant of NTS map 21/H/01/A “Wolfville” sheet covering the southeastern area north of Windsor. The GiftHorse block is bounded on the south by the Fundy Gypsum mining lease and is bounded to the north by the Hansone Ltd. exploration license. The GiftHorse block of claims are situated 6 km north of the town of Windsor in the Avon Peninsula, or 69 air km nor-northwest of Halifax The block’s center is located near the center of the rural settlement named Highfield. The claims are dissected by a variety of paved and well built farming roads that can be accessed via the Belmont road route # 215.