This property is found in the northeastern quadrant (D) of the National Topographic Survey map 21/A/16 “Windsor” sheet covering the southwestern area of Upper Falmouth. Claims are situated south – southwest and into the town of Windsor, or 64 air km northwest of Halifax (See map). The block’s center is located near the center of Pesaquid Lake.
The claims are dissected by a variety of paved and well built farming roads that can be accessed via Town Road, Gabriel Road and Falmouth Dyke road.

- The goal of the exploration program is to prove the existence of a major previously unknown paleoplacer gold deposit with outstanding economic potential.
- There is conclusive evidence that the ideal conditions exist for paleoplacers dating to the middle Paleozoic age, containing Precambrian African source gold.
- In the historic records, production is recorded from two sites in the same rock type and age.
- A comprehensive subsurface geological mapping has been developed from a combination of field outcrop, drill logs and lithoprobe geophysics.
- The maps and data illustrates how a huge system of gold veins originally emplaced in an ancient mountain range to the northeast and east of Castle Frederick valley 370 million years ago were naturally weathered and eroded in the prevailing trend towards this valley. This highland sourced gold moved into a river canyon that carried it to Castle Frederick Prospect.
- Previous drilling has traced the canyon to a well- defined point where then textbook conditions created the classical gold placer deposits. TME’s objective is to raise the funds necessary to drill the target sites and test its gold content.
- This has been verified by several independent specialists and will stand up to the most rigorous scrutiny.
- The strength of the science made this the first and only exploration program to win eligibility for the Canada Revenue Agency’s “Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Tax Incentive Program” with a successful track record of approved credits.
- No required elements are unaccounted for and there are no observations within the entire geological region that do not fit the interpretations.
This is really a side effect of the province’s geological gold occurrences environment – most of Nova Scotia is peppered with old gold mines.

Officially they record about 2 million ounces recovered (60 tons)
Larry Riteman (President)
6 Eagle Place
Nova Scotia, B4A 2J4
(902) 835-7494 (office)